Sunday, 9 April 2017

The Circus That Is Politics

Politics never fail to keep us amused. The crazy antics of politicians is both entertaining and irritating to watch depending on which party you support. They say things you would not dare utter because you know that anything posted on the Internet stays forever. However, most politicians appear to forget this and often make a spectacle of themselves in the pursuit of their self-interests.

The United States became more divisive than ever with the unprecedented win of President Trump. Conservative Americans are thrilled with his win but it has become a nightmare for the rest. After all, America is a nation of migrants and many of its big cities are melting pots of different nationalities.

It’s a weird time to be a scientist, with the funding cutspolitical snubs, and colleagues going rogue. But when your scientific province actually is politics? The discombobulation goes up by an order of magnitude.

It’s a tricky balancing act. Having an entire field of researchers with their noses buried in arcane journals read only by their peers is a missed opportunity. But if those researchers dumb down their work, and tailor (or even skew) it to better suit what’s trending, or what CNN or Fox News will cover, that’s bad science. Then again, no science is even worse. No matter how political scientists are feeling about political science, they all agree on that.


It is safe to say many are not happy about the current political situation and are just as confused as the rest of the American population. Only Mike Pence earned the thumbs up of the people and no one else as reported by

In a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, Americans say they have mostly unfavorable impressions of just about everybody on a list of public figures and institutions — except, that is, for the vice president, who has become a familiar figure in interviews on Sunday TV shows and elsewhere as he explains and defends President Trump.

Only Mike Pence scored a net positive rating, with 47% of those surveyed saying they had a generally favorable impression of him and 35% a mostly unfavorable one. The rest were undecided. That 11-point advantage sets him apart from everyone else on the survey, including his boss. Trump's favorable rating has improved a bit since our December poll, but it's still narrowly in negative territory: 45% favorable, 47% unfavorable.

People are interested to find out every bits and piece in politics. It’s like a TV series they can’t afford to miss each week. The thing is that they don’t only do it during their free time but even at work too. What’s to blame, technology? As smartphone users increases, it also proved to be a distraction at work as many Americans get into heated arguments with other people on Facebook and Twitter.

“The results were shocking,” Duggan said, “We found that 87 percent of employees are reading political social media posts during the workday.”

The survey, which has a margin of error of 4.5 percent, included people from across the political spectrum. Other findings: Workers were spending an average of two hours a day reading or talking about politics on the job. For some workers it is three or four hours each day.


While many employers are not happy about this, they can’t just tell their employees to totally avoid it when they just want to stay updated on political issues that can possibly affect their lives. And for many of them, social media is the answer.

Fortunately, you do not live in China where the Chinese government persecutes activists for voicing out their opposition against the administration. If you live in the U.S., you can pledge your support to the protection of children that is also supported by the White House. ( With the colorful personality of Donald Trump, it is hard to tell what the U.S. political landscape will be like in the next four years.

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